Impact Transition Digital Badging System

We are introducing the Transitions Badging System as a credentialing tool across all Schoolab products and programs. This system recognizes learners’ achievements in impactful innovation by highlighting the necessary mindset, skills, and knowledge to develop and execute ideas in sustainability and social impact spaces.

Tracking Impact across all products and programs

Daily Impact

To earn this badge, individuals must complete activities or assessments demonstrating their knowledge and skills in sustainability and social impact. These activities include completing coursework, participating in community service projects, or completing self-guided learning modules. Upon completing these requirements, individuals will be awarded this badge supporting their dedication to creating a more sustainable and inclusive world, starting with the small actions they take every day.

Daily impact badge

Impact Catalyst

Earners of an Impact Catalyst Transition Badge have demonstrated a solid commitment to positive impact through small-scale Inclusive and/or Sustainable entrepreneurship, community-building, or organizational pathways. They have shown an ability to take the initiative and lead change within their field. To earn this badge, individuals must complete a series of activities or assessments demonstrating their foundational knowledge and skills in sustainability and social impact and their ability to create and facilitate change in their chosen field.

Impact catalyst badge

Impact Innovator

Earners of an Impact Innovator Transition Badge have demonstrated a deep dedication to positive impact through Inclusive and/or Sustainable innovation in their career. They have shown an ability to think outside the box and bring new solutions and have led successful projects. To earn this badge, individuals must complete a series of activities or assessments that demonstrate their intermediate knowledge and skills in sustainability and social impact and their ability to create and facilitate change through innovative thinking and problem-solving.

Impact innovator badge

Impact Leadership

Earners of an Impact Leader Transition Badge have a purpose-led dedication to Inclusive and/or Sustainable impact. To earn this badge, individuals must have demonstrated advanced knowledge and skills in sustainability and social impact, as well as the ability to create and facilitate change through innovative thinking and problem-solving. Earners have led successful initiatives with significant ripple effects of impactful change throughout their organizations and communities. They have shown an ability to drive large-scale change and have an influential role in their field.

Impact leadership badge

Systems Game Changer

To earn this badge, individuals must have demonstrated exceptional knowledge and skills in sustainability and social impact, as well as a strong ability to drive lasting change through innovative thinking and problem-solving. Earners of a System Game Changer Transition Badge have left a permanent mark on old systems. They have ushered in systems-level change toward a more inclusive and sustainable future. Earners have shown an ability to bring about transformative change at a systems level and significantly impact their field and society.

Systems game changer badge

The badging system measures how exposure to impact innovation through a Schoolab experience can influence individuals to become systems-level change-makers. Over time, badge earners can reassess their badges to understand the impact they are bringing about in their personal, academic, and professional careers. Each badge represents a specific amount of transitions that Schoolab can track.

Unlike traditional skills badges, our credential tracks skills, expertise, and lifestyle choices that are often undervalued when building a team or identifying new hires. The Transition Badge helps industries recognize impactful achievements and how an orientation towards sustainability and social impact can positively influence personal, organizational, and societal success.

Badges are distributed to participants in all of Schoolab’s products, including student programs, corporate training, learning expeditions, and internal training. Our badging system aims to integrate impact fluency into all Schoolab missions to promote alignment and drive impactful outcomes for our partners and learners.