Space, The Final Frontier: United Airlines’ Bold Move into the Service Industry

Space, The Final Frontier: United Airlines’ Bold Move into the Service Industry

Design Fiction Scenarios

The battle between infrastructure companies and service providers continues to rage. Well aware of what is at stake after witnessing […]

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Property Goes High-Speed: The New Real Estate Game in the Era of Hyperloop

Design Fiction Scenarios

Thanks to Richard Branson’s latest venture, Hyperloop, the real estate market had undergone a seismic shift. Branson had created a […]

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Revolutionizing Construction: How Augmented Walls Are Changing the Game

Design Fiction Scenarios

The world of construction has been revolutionized by augmented wall technology. These modular walls are stuffed with all needed equipments […]

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Where to start when launching a digital soap brand: the case of Ecover

Business Innovation Strategy Management

As part of the “Deplastify the Planet” class, my team and I were assigned to work with Ecover, a Belgian company that manufactures ecologically sound cleaning products, to create an elevated experience for packaging free soaps.

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In Vietnam, a youth leadership to deplastify the planet

Business Innovation Strategy Management

Created in August 2019, Deplastify The Planet (DTP) is a one-of-a-kind project-based class offered jointly by UC Berkeley (SCET) and Schoolab where students work with companies on real-life challenges. With a single goal in mind: “deplastify & regenerate” the planet. Each team of students is paired with a corporate partner and spends the entirety of the semester brainstorming, building, testing, and solving the environmental and social challenges.

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5 good reasons to move from an innovation consulting firm to an innovation studio

Business Innovation Strategy Management

Innovation has become a real engine of growth and stock market value in the image of Amazon. Many companies now want to improve their competitiveness by using an external innovation consulting firm.

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3 essential skills for the innovators of tomorrow

Business Innovation Strategy Management

In recent years, and even more now due to the pandemic, post-graduation life has been difficult for young innovators and entrepreneurs. Indeed, standing out on the job market has become an impossible task.

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A digital innovation journey: in the heart of Tokyo’s Shibuya Scramble Square, from Paris with love

Business Innovation Strategy Management

After years of exchanging with various contacts and stakeholders, things suddenly took off in the second half of 2019, with 3 events in 6 months.

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Digital Education: 4 Tips to create online learning events

Business Innovation Strategy Management

Schoolab had been commissioned by BPIFrance (the sovereign fund of the French government) to organize a week-long learning expedition in the Bay Area for some of France’s top deep tech scientists-entrepreneurs to learn from the Silicon Valley ecosystem.

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Predicting the future: 3 key take aways from a design fiction workshop

Business Innovation Strategy Management

For the past two months, Schoolab has been conducting an introductory workshop to Design Fiction "your life after Covid-19" focusing on challenged industries. Participants spanned many organizations, age groups, and across continents.

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