Reinvent your corporate team building and team building
Do you want to unite a team around common values? define the strategic axes for the years to come? or align the vision between the different participants? Contact us for an original seminar! We organize off-the-beaten-track experiences. We conduct your workshops with the design thinking method to help you achieve your goals. We co-build with you this privileged exchange time with your teams. Whether you are 10 or 80 we take care of everything!
What is a learning expedition? Travel and accelerate your digital transformation
Our Learning Expeditions are not just trips, they are transformationaccelerators. A learning Expedition is both a solution to achieve a benchmark of the latest innovations, a moment of seminar and team building and finally the opportunity to defeine the innovation policy of your company. It can be done in France, a learning expedition to Station F to discover the startup universe or abroad: a learning expedition in Estonia.
Learning Expedition LegalTech: Benchmark innovations and new legal challenges

Legal services are digitalizing, documents and procedures are automated, justice is done online, a whole sector is being disrupted. How do you get ahead of the curve and anticipate the evolution of your busin
esses? We help you project yourself into the future by meeting startups, law firms and innovative legaltech players!
Learning expedition Innovation: Discovering Innovation Labs

The layout and animation of an innovative place are essential tools to infuse a spirit of innovation at the heart of your organization. We believe that the work environment and the culture that characterizes it are key levers in the transformation of a company. Through a personalized route, we propose to discover a plurality of innovative places (corporate labs, fab-labs, third places, coworking spaces, university campus, …) to guide you in your next development project.
Learning Expedition in London to discover fintech and a bubbling ecosystem

Go to London to discover Europe’s leading market place and a bubbling entrepreneurial ecosystem. Fintech, a startup in the world of healthcare and access to the Anglo-Saxon market, .. discover London from a business point of view.
Learning Expedition in Estonia, South Africa, Paris… Create your tailor-made seminar
Want to discover our learning expedition in Estonia, europe’s new digital and technology leader? Or to discover the mobile giants in Singapore? A specific desire for learning expedition in mind? We support you in framing and formalizing your goals to organize a custom-made Learning Expedition based on your projects! We build with you a learning journey to bring your ideas to life. We carefully select the actors to meet and the places to visit the most relevant of the ecosystem. Our Learning Expeditions are a mix of Design Thinking meetings and workshops to turn your good ideas into concrete actions. Embark with us for the destination of your choice, we take care of everything
3 good reasons to do a learning expedition with Schoolab
A complete immersion in startup, technological and innovative ecosystems to do more than just a benchmark
We design, prepare and animate Learning Expeditions over one or more days, in France or abroad, tailor-made or not! The themes are varied: Fintech, Civictech, Proptech, Legaltech, Tech for Good, and many more!
During this learning journey, we will introduce you to the most innovative ecosystems and players to best meet your challenges. Our Learning Expeditions help you understand the impact of emerging technologies to prepare you for the future of your industry.
Prestigious partners from around the world for your seminar and learning expedition
We offer a tailor-made program to meet your expectations. This program will alternate conferences, visits and meetings chosen by us according to your needs. We select a variety of players: large groups, startups, public actors, associations… This way, you can soak up this new ecosystem with an inspiring experience.
Workshops and workshop innovation to put into practice the lessons and decisions learned from your corporate trip
Our trademark is our ability to create and animate Design Thinking workshops during our stays to debrief and ensure that your good ideas don‘t end up in the back of a closet. We will give you the tools to understand, transpose and implement new ideas and projects at the end of this trip.