As economic uberization spread, large companies are more and more aware of the need to adapt in order to survive. Organizational change management is at core of this adaptation. Today, companies are facing more and more regular transformations, so that their new operation makes them more competitive. However, change can be difficult for employees to experience if it has not been associated with a real organizational change strategy. Here is the toolkit for driving change to facilitate the process of change and its acceptance.
Definition: What does organizational change management mean ?
Introduced in the 1990s, the theory of change in business brings together the methodologies and techniques that are put in place as part of an accompaniment to the conduct of change. This process is supposed to create optimal conditions for a successful business change drive project.
Driving Change: Burke and Litwin Models for corporate culture evolution
Burke and Litwin’s models, theorized in the 1990s by the two eponymous consultants, are a tool for managing business change that analyzes 12 components of an organization (leadership, corporate culture, value – individual needs , work environment, motivation, tasks and individual skills…). Each component is considered as important as another in a change. They are then grouped into three different categories:
- Performance factors
- Transactional factors
- Transformational factors
Burke and Litwin’s models are to understand the interdependence between the different components of these factors, to take them into account and to succeed in a change. The method of driving the change of Burke and Litwin’s models involves factual questions to the company’s players (both junior employees and managers) affected by an organizational transformation. The answers to the questions are then synthesized and the conclusions make it possible to best adapt the strategy and the role of the manager in driving change.
Management: 3 tips to put executives at the heart of change
The role of managers is crucial for organizational change

Managers are key players in the drive of change. Indeed, “whether the change is top down or comes from the grassroots, the middle step, which will make the company change or not, are the managers” explains Paul Granier, Education Programs Director at Schoolab. The manager gives amplitude to change in the company and they must be the first to adhere to it in order to appropriate it.
70% of French employees expect a show of recognition when they come up with new ideas.
Innovacteurs Study 2017
Method 1: Define a strategy for change/digitalization or innovation and help managers take ownership of it
We must never underestimate the help to be given to managers of a large company in a process of digitalization and/or innovation. In the conduct of an innovation project, it is necessary to prove to employees the value of tech’ in the day-to-day business, because it is this point of view that will also convince the manager.
This is why the most important thing is to define a strategy of change: indeed without a strategy, a large company often changes its axis, which causes managers to lose energy and can lead to a demotivation towards change. To reverse it, when managers appropriate digital change in their e
they are becoming aware of their own ability to change their work environment.
Method 2: Innovation training to drive change

62% of French people feel that their company does not sufficiently solicit the creativity of employees
Innovation Study 2017
To have a solid strategy to support change, there is no secret. It is necessary to use training and implementation of change with an accompaniment that will allow managers to make concrete change in their teams.
Team training is the real heart of business change.
Olivia Scotti, Head of new culture Schoolab
Method 3: Giving toolboxes to managers to boost culture change
Given the importance of the manager’s role in driving change, he must be equipped with the best “toolbox” for driving change and transformation And what does it contain? It contains the implementation of digital tools, the introduction of training for teams…

We created this software because we saw internal communication problems in teams in innovation programs.
Pierre Lemeteil, Designer of Schoolab’s Innovative Project Management Software
It is by confronting on a daily basis the issues of innovative project management that Schoolab decided to launch its own innovation project management tool. Contact us for a preview demo!
3 tips for managing resistance to change management?
Method 1: Plan a Learning Expedition to drive change
In large companies, when the word “change” comes to the ears of employees, it is generally perceived in a pejorative way and teams often become afraid of what may follow. Conversely, organizing a Learning Expedition (LEX) shows the positive side of change.

Schoolab’s Learning Expedition allows you to explore innovative ecosystems, to take part in analyses of the impact of change on companies that have already changed… This training in change management introduces best practices that break preconceptions or preconceptions. Employees also have the opportunity to talk to people who have experienced the change.

Business case: the learning expedition of Societe Generale Fintech with Schoolab.
This seminar allowed the employees of this large bank to come and discover new banking players (such as Ulule), but also to exchange with other large companies of the same size, committed to change (for example, with RTE, the transport network manager in France).
Method 2: Working on an innovative project with students (CPI program) for a new organizational change management

“Nothing is permanent except change.”
Heraclitis of Ephesus
“To support change, invite it into your company!” explains Paul Granier. More and more large companies are turning to students because they have the change in them because they are not yet formatted.
Since 2005, more than 1,500 students and more than 100 companies have brought 150 innovative projects to life through Schoolab’s innovative product creation program.
Programs, such as the CPi/Creation of an Innovative Schoolab Product, allow companies to benefit from “new” opinions on their problems. It also facilitates change and raises resistance, as opinions come “from outside”.
Business Case: GDF Suez is working with students to rethink the boarding of new employees Among them, Suez, came to Schoolab to get students to work on the onboarding processes of new recruits. Human Resources showed a strong desire for change within the HR division. Thanks to the ICC, the conduct of change in business has seen little resistance at Suez and has allowed the creation of an experiential integration approach, combining tech’, human and design.
Result: The new GDF Suez onboarding process is now deployed in more than 5 countries with a satisfaction rate of 98%
Method 3: encourage teams to get out of their comfort zone: go to conferences, work in coworking, …
Any organizational change management involves going out of your comfort zone. By encouraging employees to get out of their comfort zone on a daily basis, a manager encourages them to develop new skills, and to be involved in more decisions. This gives them the habit of working in a constantly changing environment, and thus better addressing a process of driving change.

Encouraging these encounters with the outside world is therefore crucial for change in large companies. This is one of the reasons why companies involved in changes decide to set up part of their teams in third places of innovation such as Schoolab.
Business Case ENEDIS has installed its Fast Lab at Schoolab to connect with startups, students and an innovative ecosystem. This unique coworking space is dedicated to welcoming the group’s employees in a new setting. This facilitated the appropriation of change, as the employees experienced a new integration on their own.

“There is no miracle: by staying at home, change is hard to come. Indeed, change often comes from outside, through encounters and through openness.”
Paul Granier, Schoolab Innovation Trainer
3 ways to speed up the digitalisation of large companies
Method 1: Changing project management tools
The tools for driving change (e.g. Burke and Litwin models) are of great importance in managing organizational change in large companies. To successfully support change, managers need to understand the needs of teams in order to choose the best tool. If managers have no strategy to drive change into digital transformation, they risk imposing a tool that does not correspond to people’s daily lives. This can lead to the introduction of shadow IT, i.e. employees use other hardware or software than those supported by the company’s central IT department because they do not approve of the technology or even the manager did not make them aware of its use.
Business case: Lemonway changes its Buyer personae tool. An example of a change plan is the mission with Lemonway. Schoolab worked to find a solution to KYC (Know Your Customer). However, before proposing a tool, we made precise observation of each position and the real needs of the operators. This helped to define an adequate innovation strategy, validated by the managers. These steps in driving change are the only way to change tools effectively for all employees of the company.
Method 2: Innovation Training
There is nothing better in the management of change than to start by training digitally. For this, no one needs to do 3 years of engineering cycle! Through short courses, you can quickly acquire the basics to interact with developers, and better understand the strength of digital tools.
Method 3: Work with startups or create an innovation lab
To accelerate change, work with companies that are a step ahead of you! You will be “forced” to upgrade, and this will inspire your teams.
Paul Granier, Innovation Trainer

The final step in driving change and organizational change management is to bring change directly into their company premises, via an innovation laboratory. Mr. Kesako? This third place is a space, within your offices, entirely dedicated to training employees in innovation. Schoolab offers a turnkey offer, ranging from the use design of the innovation laboratory, to its modes of operation, through project monitoring and the design of training programmes.
Our advice: choose the an innovation expert to boost your organizational change management
Schoolab has the expertise in innovation and makes diverse profiles work as startups and students together. From agile method, to innovation strategy consulting, to project work, our multidisciplinary teams can support you in driving change in business.