What does the future hold for the real estate and construction sectors? What breakthrough innovations are being launched that could threaten your business? To answer these inquiries, Schoolab partnered with VINCI Immobilier for a corporate seminar in New York City about the future of real estate. A week in the Big Apple was spent discussing the future of Proptech for the Comex and VINCI Immobilier prospects. 

The stakes: a real estate sector revolutionized by “PropTech”.

Proptech is revolutionizing the real estate industry.

Intelligent buildings, 3D construction, coworking, and coliving are all ways that the real estate industry undergoes sudden shifts and changes. Prop Tech and ConTech appoint advanced innovative construction while Smart Real Estate and Estate FinTech stimulate the birth of numerous high-growth startups, specifically in New York City. 

In 2016, the first Proptech startup was already valued at one billion dollars. Within the same year, three others followed.  Source

Because of the way Proptech affects the advancement of the real estate industry, well-established companies are meeting their downfall if they fail to take the initiative and launch their own innovations.

The need of the real estate leader: understanding PropTech’s challenges

The goal of Schoolab’s Learning Expedition was to understand the challenges at stake for Proptech in order to recreate its business model. In addition, its mission was to explore new markets in the real estate sector in order to integrate and align itself with all aspects of the Smart City. 

The Learning Expedition: a seminar in an innovative ecosystem

What is Learning Expedition (LEx)? LEx is a seminar that takes place within a company in which a group of employees, senior executives, or even executive committees reflect on ways they can build a brighter future for their company. 

The first step in order to avoid urbanization is to continuously follow up on the latest trends and innovations in one’s sector. 

“Getting inspired and taking a step back helps to give meaning to what you do and thus work in a more enlightened way. Discovering new ideas stimulates the imagination of the teams, which become forces of the proposal. It’s a real tool for motivation and loyalty!”
Deborah Kreis
Head of Learning Expedition

Immersion in New York in the heart of the real estate of the future

The Schoolab innovation team would have liked to have dedicated time for innovation for all members of the VINCI Immobilier Executive Committee. Throughout the days spent in New York, Schoolab collaborated with Protech start-ups and accelerator companies, American real estate developers, real estate investment funds, and even visited innovation sites. 

“The trip helped align the vision and guide the innovation strategy through concrete projects.”
Diego Harari
Director of Innovation VINCI Immobilier

Each day was dedicated to the exploration of a theme in order to further understand and plan ahead for the future. Design Workshops were organized in order to prepare for Vinci Immobiler meetings and scope the interests of the stakeholders. 

A week that radically changed the team’s perspectives

LEx made it possible to align the vision and the mission, most notably by initiating collaboration with a start-up company. The teams were now able to fully visualize and comprehend how trends can impact their business; this way members are able to think of new locations for their business propositions. 

“I am convinced that breakthrough innovation can come from a large group as much as from a student entrepreneur. All that is generally missing are the methods, the culture of initiative and launching the teams on a concrete case. It is neither age, technology, nor the fact of working in a large group or in a startup that determines the ability to innovate. It’s your willingness to move forward and learn.”
Julien Fayet
Schoolab Founder